Benchmark Counselor Impairment and Wellness Paper Assignment

For this assignment, you will:

• Write a 6 page paper in current APA format including a running head, title page, abstract, and reference page.

• Your paper should address the following:

o Define Impairment (this should include a discussion of how and why counselors become impaired, what that impairment looks like, and how it can impact the practice of counseling). This section should be 2 pages long.

o Implications of Impairment including a discussion of ethical misconduct, specifically noting the most frequently occurring ethical violations in your state (California), [the article below will give some guidance but you are also strongly encouraged to research this on your state’s counseling board website]). This section should be 1 page long.

o Impairment Prevention (this should include a discussion of what counselors can do to protect against impairment). This section should be 1 page long.

o Wellness Plan and Reflection (this section can be written in 1st person). You will assess your own risks and develop a personal wellness plan. This section should be 2 pages long. Begin by taking the assessments listed under the Benchmark Counselor Impairment and Wellness Paper Resources (included)

Discuss the results of the assessments and in what ways you see your results reflecting your current life.

o Develop a Wellness Plan as a result of your assessments. Include reflections of the following question:

What areas of your life need more or less attention?

What changes do you need to make?

What steps are you willing to take to reach your goal of implementing needed changes?