Topic: How do managers stimulate employee creativity and tolerance for change?

The paper must contain:
a. A title page that includes the topic of the paper, your name, and the date.

b. Section 1: Introduction. A short one paragraph introduction that identifies the paper’s purpose, provides a thesis statement (i.e., what are you trying to prove or disprove), and presents a brief overview of the information to be presented.

c. Section 2: Literature Review. The literature review is a written overview of the sources researched on your selected topic. The literature review provides a description, summary, and evaluation of each source.

d. Section 3: Discussion. In this section, provide one or more paragraphs that provide your findings from the literature review.

Do your assumptions agree or disagree with previous research? Do the results of the previous research help you to interpret your own assumptions? If your assumptions are different, why?

e. Section 4: Conclusion. In this last section, provide any final statements to persuade me why your position on the topic is the best one. Or, conversely, what you discovered in your research that caused you to change your opinion.