Methodology for Quantitative Study

1. Double-spaced, 11-12 font 2. Reference the textbook when used but no other references needed for this assignment.

But if you do choose to use other sources for this part, you will need to cite and reference it.

But it might be helpful if you re-reviewed your literature review material to get more ideas for relevant questions and methodology.

3. Repeat your purpose statement from Research Proposal 1 – This is your chance to change it or improve on it.

4. Describe and justify your design choice. Experimental or non experimental design. Why is it appropriate for your study’s purpose?

5. Describe and justify your sampling plan. Is it probability or non-probability? Which type within either of these categories?

What biases might be attributable to your sampling plan? To what extent can you generalize your results?

6. Describe where, when, and how you will recruit people to be in your study.

Describe the context of yourdata gathering plan (privacy considerations, safety considerations, feasibility considerations, etc.