Complex decision making

In trigger ‘1’, you have identify a complex situation and say why it is complex, what communication/consultation model used to make decision. Were they useful or not?

Then trigger ‘2’: what influenced decisions made following your consultation / communication? Talk about the following:

– patient diagnosis?

– patient wishes?

– relative wishes?

– healthcare professional opinion?

– professional/ political/ organisational drivers

– risk management

Both 1 & 2 triggers must be presented orally for 20minutes.

Reflecting on your plan, what are the existing personal, organizational , political, or professional. Which both help and hinder the provision, coordination, and receipt of services.

Think broadly and consider :

– economic forces

– policy drivers

– interagency issues

– roles of unpaid workers, (service users, lay carers)

– technological factors

– temporal and place-related issues

– leadership and management styles

– education ( staff, patients, carers wider society

– ethical implications


A 42 year old Olivia

She was 34 weeks pregnant and presented with raised blood pressure (pre-eclampsia).

Lives with partner and 2 young children from her previous relationship.

Her 20 year old son committed suicide last tear.

She suffers from depression and on medication.

People involved in her care:

Allocated midwife, midwife co-ordinator co obstetric registrar, SHO, paediatric and neonatal team