IHRM assessment: Training and support programme

In-class support and formative feedback

Training programme (suggested word count around 1500 words):  Your training plan should help HR professionals prepare and support employees going on the chosen type of international assignment.

Type of international assignment your report is dealing with:

Who are the employees going on the international assignment (demographics, role, personality, skills, etc.)

Key cultural differences between the home and host countries involved (use Hofstede, Hall or the Globe Project – see week 9). 

Training needs analysis

Identify the gap to be filled between present level of knowledge or skills against the expected standard. What knowledge and skills will assignees’ need to develop?

Aim and objectives of the training and support programme

What are the objectives of the proposed training and support programme?


Assignees’ demographics; cultural distance between home and host countries; type and duration of international assignment; the size of the organisation; the 3 key phases: pre-departure, during and post-assignment. Do not only focus on cultural aspects, consider career and family issues as well.

Expected outcomes

Learning outcomes identify what the international assignees will know and be able to do after participating in your training and support programme. What will your training and support programme allow assignees to do?

Content, supporting activities and timeframe

What activities in specific will your training and support programme include? What areas will they cover? (see week 10)

* For cross-cultural training (CCT), which is relevant for all types of international assignments, consider types of CCT: didactic training, culture assimilator, language training, sensitivity training, field training) (see week 11)

Training and support activity Objective

Why is it important? What aspects/areas will it address? What problem should it prevent or alleviate?


Characteristics, content, process, requirements, people involved, timing, etc.

































































Evaluation framework

Training results need to be evaluated against original need that was previously identified. How will you evaluate the impact/success of your training and support programme?

Consider the 4 levels of evaluation: Reaction, Learning, Behaviour, Results (see week 11)