Ghosts of Rwanda

Paper Guidelines:

3 pages, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-pt Font, APA style citation & reference

The following questions should be addressed in your paper:

1. Using the UN definition of genocide, how would you characterize events in Rwanda and why?

2. Consider Lankford’s ideas regarding systematic indoctrination and apply them to the situation in Rwanda. In addition, discuss how other approaches to genocide (those not encompassed by Lankford’s theory) shed light on Rwanda. Which approach do you think best applies to the genocide in Rwanda and why?

3. Drawing on our earlier human rights discussion and current readings, what responsibility did the international community have in regards to Rwanda? Should there have been international intervention? Explain why or why not. In your explanation also consider the issue of sovereignty.

4. How are critiques of human rights relevant to the situation in Rwanda at the time of the genocide?

In your paper you need to demonstrate that you understand the concepts that have been presented in your readings, lecture, and notes. Referencing concepts from the readings and drawing connections between readings, the movie, notes and lecture is a must. You also need to locate a news article from one of the sources below and incorporate information from the article into your overall discussion.

This is not an opinion paper! I do not want personal reactions to the movie or Rwanda. Rather, I want to see you thinking about genocide as a social scientist, using Rwanda as a case study of sorts. To this end, you need to use specific examples from the movie to illustrate your points. If you have questions about theories or any of the concepts presented in the class thus far, please feel free to contact me with your questions.

Due: See Course Schedule

News Sources: BBC News
The Economist
New York Times
Al Jazeera:
Forgein Policy:
The Christian Science Monitor:
Wall Street Journal:
Washington Post:

*This is the movie