Use the slides to indentify the most important points. Your accompanying narration should provide further details and background. powrpoint presentation is done but i need to ask is to write a separate text so i can record my voice and do this narrATED presentation with my own voice. so i need you to read all feedback below and change what needs to be changed in presentation thank you, send me a message if you need more info.

1. Describe concepts of holistic health and well being that inform life choices, and have an impact on our physical, mental, social, cultural, spiritual and behavioral outcomes, across the life course.

2. Understand and apply the principles of health promotion, protection and improvement, whilst recognizing the importance of prevention of ill health when engaging with individuals in a multicultural society.

3. Explore aspects of health policy, health literacy and health economics in line with the social, cultural and political landscape of healthcare provision.

Introduction 5/20No description of concepts of holistic health has been given. L.O 1 has not been met. You have justified your choice of topic and substantiated this really well with links to government policy but this has been done further on in the presentation when it belonged here.

Main body 23/50Excellent overview of principles of health promotion. Very good clear and comprehensive rationale for the campaign on slide 3.There is a lot of focus on government policy, lots of good information here but two slides on this is too much, having one slide on this would have allowed space for you to include a conclusion slide which is currently missing form the presentation.A good overview of existing health promotion resources relevant to your topic have been identified and supported by references, however there is no meaningful discussion about these in the narrative.There is no inclusion of multi – cultural aspects which I would have expected to see here.