SWOT Analysis of a Clinical or Professional Practice Guideline

For this assignment, you will need to access the strategic plan for your healthcare organization.

You should also find a clinical or professional practice guideline that has been implemented into practice at your healthcare institution.

Determine any economic, environmental, and/or healthcare trends that have affected the organization—you can do this from your experience with the organization or by interviewing key managers in the organization.

You will connect these trends with the choice & implementation of the practice guideline.

In addition, you should link the guideline to one of the strategic plan objectives. Think about how implementation of the guideline has affected practice at your institution—has it provided improved exposure in the local healthcare marketplace, increased visibility by providers in the area, improved clinical outcomes of patients, for example, or any others you have noted?

Complete a SWOT analysis of the effectiveness of the practice guideline: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats for the practice guideline.

Summarize the analysis, identify potential changes you might recommend, & create a plan you might share with the healthcare organization describing your findings & recommendations.