This a laboratory report, about polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, instructions below.

Refer to this example : How to Present the SDS-PAGE gel with proteins separated via Electrophoresis Techniques.

Key to include in your Result and Discuss are, using the Molecular Marker/Ladder profiles :

– Compare and Contrast of Intact protein profiles between Raw and Dried (processed) form of Lung (sheep).

– Compare and Contrast of kiwifruit digested protein profiles between Raw and Dried (processed) form of Lung (sheep). i.e. What changes are occurring with kiwifruit?

– What are the key protease (enzymatic protein) of Kiwifruit which play a big role on digestion? Literature review? Do you see that protease (s) on the gel result using molecular weight?

– Despite this gel DOES NOT give you accurate reflection on quantification, you can use the profiles in dominant proteins vs minor proteins by looking at intensity of bands vs week bands.

Hence what are the bands, hence, the strong dominant proteins with what are their molecular sizes?? For L/R, can you identify/suggest in your