SCM Introduction, Issues & Strategy
Save this document to your computer and type your response directly into the space below each question. When completed submit the document to your Open Learning Faculty Member for grading. The assignment will be graded out of 10 marks.

Consider a recent purchase of furniture you made. Identify the supply chain involved in acquiring materials, manufacturing the furniture, and delivering this product to you i.e., you need to make a network diagram of different stages involved and make sure that it covers all the cycles in the cyclic view of supply chain.

Identify at-least one pull process and one push process in this supply chain.

Think of any organizations you are familiar with and graphically display their supply chain networks covering both the cyclic processes and push-pull processes and the major flows.

What is the role of supply chain management in creating and adding value for customers and how this value surplus is measured in supply chains?

Discuss the impact of the product life cycle on strategic fit between implied demand uncertainty and supply chain responsiveness.

Explain the basic trade-off between responsiveness and efficiency for each of the major drivers of supply chain performance.