The second goal of Healthy People 2020 (USDHHS, 2010) is to “achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups.” In this paper, reflect and write a response that addresses the following questions.

How does developing a culturally competent healthcare workforce influence our ability to achieve the second goal of Healthy People 2020?

What is my future role in moving toward the achievement of the second goal of Healthy People 2020?

What is my plan for improving my cultural competence?

Be sure to demonstrate an understanding of the scope of the course material, terminology, and skills developed throughout this course.

Remember that the fifth step in writing a reflection essay is “plan.” Begin by describing your career plans.

Then describe your plan for further developing your current level of cultural competence based on one of the four approaches described in the Week 14 Module.

Reflect back on the notes you jotted down on the Cultural Competence Self-Assessment worksheet to identify areas to focus on in the plan (e.g., value diversity, know me, share my culture, be aware of areas of discomfort, check my assumptions, challenge my stereotypes). Which of the approaches presented in the Week 14 Module will you use to guide your plan? Why?