Sections of the Report
Background. Describe in a solid paragraph the situation that is currently being assessed in the problem. Be specific, and use bullet statements to highlight problem areas from the text.

Do not use bullets as your entire background! Only use them to highlight key points, if needed.

Analysis and findings. This section gives the reader/customer information necessary to understand or appreciate the current state of the process, and set the foundation for the next sections of the report.

It puts things in focus by providing background and perspective. Assess these areas in short, succinct, but detailed sentences, and express possible reasons for these conditions to exist.

This section answers the following questions:

What are all of the potential problems mentioned in the text?

What are the possible causes for the current situation? Again, be creative! Think outside the box and as an objective analyst. Place yourself into the role as detective and consultant.

What tools/techniques/methods would you use to identify, and possibly quantify/qualify, those issues?