• Section is in paragraph form, double-spaced, with appropriate APA-style heading.

• Section is no less than 250 words.

• Describe the type of analysis used and the variables used in the analysis.

• Include a statistical statement in current APA format based on your results.

• State whether or not the results are significant, and the resulting decision about the null hypothesis of your study (reject/fail to reject).

• Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the statistical test that was used. Be sure to cite the textbook or other course materials used to provide this information.

• Explain any characteristics of your sample and data collection method that should be taken into consideration by readers. These can include such elements as sample size, survey format, issues related to online or in-person survey methods, and so on.

• Communicate clearly with attention to grammar and syntax.

• Include a Reference section in current APA style at the end of your submission.