Critical Essay

Drawing upon the terms, concepts, theories and themes from this course, provide a critical analysis of the following article:

Although you are free to take any approach to your examination, remember that your critical essay must: make connections between the article and the terms, theories, and material presented in the course; provide an interrogation of the article that makes connections with themes, terms, and material identified/examined throughout this course; and, develop supporting arguments based on course material.

As part of your examination, you MIGHT want to consider structuring your critical analysis around the following questions:

· How does this article relate to the material examined in KIN 105?

· How does colonialism inform this contemporary lived reality? Identify specific colonial forces/events that contribute to this issue.

· Does the article attempt to explore the historical roots of this lived reality? If not, why might this historical context be missing? What impact, if any, does this absence have upon the presentation of this issue?

· How are Indigenous peoples portrayed in the article? What is the significance of these representations?

· Whose voices are represented in this article? And, how do these perspectives shape understanding of this lived reality?

· Does the article reinforce specific mythologies and/or stereotypes? If so, what is the significance of these narratives?

· Is this contemporary condition/conflict presented as an “Indigenous issue” or, rather, as an issue that affects all citizens of the nation-state, specifically those of the dominant culture? What is the implication of this particular approach and perspective? And, what is the benefit—and who benefits—from portraying the issue as “Indigenous”? What does this suggest about reconciliation?

· Does the article address decolonization and reconciliation?