Healthy Work Environment (M6O

Introduction (~1 page) 25 points
Present and describe guidelines for a Healthy Work Environment (HWE).
Describe your current work environment,

In your current work environment, consider the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) to assess the work environment. (See page 180 in your text).

What 2-3 guidelines do you recommend strengthening as it relates to these elements and why.

Literature Review (~1-2 pages) 30 points

Summarize and synthesize pertinent professional literature on HWE as it relates to the elements you recommend strengthening.

Literature from books and readings should be used including the required readings from the text and Canvas articles.

Discussion and Conclusion (~ 2 pages) 30 point
Based on the literature and your learning’s from this course, what specific recommendations would you make to build a HWE in your workplace.

What resources are needed to be successful in these recommendations.

What barriers or obstacles do you foresee? Be sure to substantiate with the literature.

Recommendations should include an objective, action items (tasks), and resource(s) including cost.