NOTE ALL THREE QUESTIONS NEEDS A RESPONSE: Assume you have a job interview next Tuesday. You have been informed that the interview process will take almost all day. This creates a scheduling conflict. You work next Tuesday at your current job with Zoom meetings all day. How do you proceed with your current employer?

1. Should you tell the truth? If so, would your current job be in jeopardy? Would your employer think you are disloyal and, as a result, not consider you in the future for a raise or promotion?

2. Should you lie? For example, should you tell your current employer that you need the day off because you have to go to the doctor. You know that statement, if not true, brings a lineage of questions, mostly COVID related, if you happen to work in-office.

3. Should you just wait until Tuesday morning and “claim sick time”? Which of these alternatives are legal? Which are ethical? Are you influenced most by the formalist approach (basically mandates that a person should act in a manner that he or she believes that everyone should act) or the consequentialist approach (focuses on the consequences of the action rather than the action itself) to ethical decision-making?