Select one of the periods of history that we studied in this class and identify how it shaped modern America today. As part of your explanation, include an examination of one or two policies the government implemented that you feel are supported or refuted in the Bible.

In your paper, you must address the specific era by identifying the years you chose to cover, specific events and or people in that period, and how that shaped Modern America today. Here are a few topics to get you thinking:
The passing of the 13th Amendment.
The rise of the railroads.
The rise of monster cities.
Free Market Economies in the 1910s and 1920’s.
The cultural shifts of the 1950s and 1960s.
The rise and fall of Communism.
Your paper needs to be 4-6 pages in length, and incorporate at least three scholarly sources. Format your paper according to the 7th edition APA style.