Topic: Choose two of the following questions/issues, and write approximately 2 pages on each question/issues that you select:

– Compare and contrast U.S. Counter intelligence to that of a foreign country’s counterintelligence security services.

– What are the lasting ramifications of a past Counter intelligence operation (such as COINTELPRO, VENONA, etc.)?

– Is the current state of counterintelligence in the Intelligence Community adequate? Why or why not?

– Explain the responsibility of counter intelligence in a major Intelligence failure. Examples might include: Pearl Harbor, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Tet Offensive 1968, the Yom Kippur War, or 9/11.

– Discuss specific challenges to one type of counter intelligence that may not apply to other types of counterintelligence (national security, military, law enforcement, business, private).
Format: Your paper requires a Title page, citations, and a References list. Your paper should be in the Chicago style.