Immigration and Boarder Security in United States

Background information: Managing the flow of people and goods into the United States is critical to maintaining our national security.

Illegal aliens compromised the security of our Nation by illegally entering the United States or overstaying their authorized period of admission.

Illegal aliens who enter the United States and those who overstay their visas disregard our national sovereignty, threaten our national security, compromise our public safety, exploit our social welfare programs, and ignore lawful immigration processes.

As a result, DHS is implementing a comprehensive border security approach to secure and maintain our borders, prevent and intercept foreign threats so they do not reach U.S. soil, enforce immigration laws throughout the United States, and properly administer immigration benefits.

DHS faces a difficult challenge at the border. The agency must impose policies that facilitate legal trade while curtailing illegal trade. DHS must design strategies to protect the legal flow of aliens into the U.S. while identifying and stopping those who attempt to enter illegally. How does an agency pursue strategies that accomplish both goals in a manner respectful of our our Constitution.