Assignment # 4 Research Proposal Due Week 14

To identify a topic, search CINAHL to explore the literature. Search using the term “Nursing Students”. Then check “Full Text” and check “Research Article”.

Browse through the search results for a specific topic of interest and that appears in a number of studies. Once you find a topic of interest, then search CINAHL using the appropriate terms to do a focused search. For example, “nursing students” and “self-efficacy” or “nursing students and evidence-based practice”. There are many interesting perspectives to consider.

Decide on the specific topic that you will develop into a nursing research proposal. Submit to the professor for approval on Week 3.

Note: Paper must be in APA format.

Cover Page – Title of proposal (includes concept and type of participants), your name and credentials, course number, professor’s name, and date.

Abstract (Written last after the paper completed)

  • Subheadings: purpose of the study, design, sample inclusion/exclusion criteria, setting, data collection, plan for data analysis

Introduction (4-5 pages)

  • Introduction is supported with references.
  • Describe the type of participants that are the focus of the proposed study.
  • Challenges faced by the participants cited from research studies in nursing and allied health.
  • Describe why it is important to study the participants.
  • Define and describe the concept(s) being investigated using primary sources of information about. the concept (e.g. Self-efficacy – cite Albert Bandura’s publications describing self-efficacy). Describe why it is important to investigate. The definition and description of the concept should be approximately 1-2 pages.

Review of the Literature

There should be at least 8 nursing research studies for the main concept being investigated in your proposed study. At least 5 of the studies must be from a nursing journal. Choose the research carefully to present a focused comparison.

For each study provide a concise summary of the study and a critical appraisal.

  1. a) Summarize each study in one concise paragraph of no more than 15 sentences. Start the paragraph by citing the author(s) and year using APA. Be sure to include the following research steps:
    • Purpose of the Study (quote and provide the page number using APA)
    • Sample Size
    • Description of Sample (describe the actual participants, not the inclusion/exclusion criteria)
    • Describe how the data was collected (names of instruments and how and where participants were contacted and the data collected, reliability of the instruments.
    • Describe how the data was analyzed (e.g. Independent or Paired t-Test, Pearson Correlations, ANOVA, Multiple Regression, etc.)
    • Describe the research findings in words. Do not report numbers, mean scores, etc. (The findings should be one third of the summary)
    • Comment on the quality of the study (e.g. sample size adequacy, instrument reliability,  data collection, results, etc).

Start the last paragraph with the words “In Summary,” and provide a concise and persuasive overview of the research literature in one paragraph leading up to the research question. The key finding of each study is mentioned and referenced.

Identify a gap in the literature that the proposed study will address (e.g. a specific group or situation that little is known about, a deficiency in the type of instrument or method used, inadequate sample size, etc.).  In the last sentence, state: Therefore, the purpose of the study is to…(1 sentence)


            Design and Sample

  • Describe the design of the study (1-2 sentences)
  • Sample, inclusion/exclusion criteria, recruitment of participants, sample size, gender, and age range (1-2 pages)       

            Protection of Participants

  • Protection of participants, requirements to participate, amount of time expected for participation, informed consent procedures, potential risks, potential benefits, maintenance of confidentiality, data storage, compensation for participants (1-2 paragraphs)

Instrument  (1-3 paragraphs)

  • Name the instrument(s)
  • Identify what the instrument(s) measures
  • If there are sub scales, what each sub scale measures
  • Identify the number of items for the entire instrument and for any sub scales.
  • Interpretation of what the scores mean ( e.g. the higher the score on the Herth Hope Index, the higher the level of hope; the higher the score on the Performance Scales the higher the level of disability).
  • Report the Alpha Coefficient from at least two recent studies using the same instrument in a sample similar to yours.

Setting for Data Collection (2-4 sentences)

Steps in Data Collection Process (1 page)

  1. a) Identify who will collect data and how they will be trained. If more than one person is collecting data, discuss how you will determine inter-rater reliability.
  2. b) Describe the process of data collection (e.g. access to data, privacy provision, administration of the tool, any anticipated barriers to data collection).
  3. c) Identify the time frame for data collection (e.g., before you implement the change, how long you will wait before you re-measure.

Plan for Data Analysis (1 paragraph) How will you analyze the data? Is it appropriate given the research questions, research design, and sample?

References: APA format for the Literature Cited in the Paper. Center the word References

at top of page and no bold.