Write a 5-page (double-spaced) essay, comparing and contrasting the feminist ideologies explored in Angela Davis’s “I Used to Be Your Sweet Mama” and those described in one other text from the syllabus (Hurston, Collins, Duncan, Combahee, Griffin, or Lorde). In this paper you must provide analytical readings of the texts. Your paper should identify and define the specific ideologies outlined by each of the authors you discuss, outlining their historical context and significance. Your response should include close analysis of each article, including direct citations to help support your arguments. Be as specific as possible in developing your views and cite particular events, historical moments, scenes, passages, and stylistic effects that support your interpretation (include page numbers in all citations). These essays should be double-spaced, 12-point font, and proof read. Grammatical and spelling mistakes will be penalized.

Here are the 4 things to consider as you put together your draft:


1. Choice of evidence (Have you cited relevant passages from the texts under discussion?)
2. Discussion of evidence (Have you engaged in critical analysis of the passages cited?)
3. Organization (Does your argument proceed in a logical manner? Is there a clear explanation for the order in which you have analyzed your evidence?)
4. Thesis (Is there some gesture toward an argument? It’s okay if this is provisional in the draft stage.)