Combining the leadership styles

Introduction – Discussion begins with a summary of the purpose statement that leads to a brief explanation of the logical organization of the literature review. Include a paragraph that explains the literature search strategy and describes the sources.

Identify the themes or sub-topics around which the literature review has been organized into a coherent narrative discussion. Theoretical or conceptual framework(s) related to the study are presented. Historical research as well as the most recent research related to the topic of study is present. Discussion has depth and presents a critical analysis and synthesis of the literature that provides a context for the dissertation study. Discussion of conflicting findings and/or theoretical positions causing intellectual tension in the field is included. Discussion is comprehensive, organized, and flows logically. Use themes and/or subtopics as headings.

Summary discussion summarizes key points presented in chapter 2 and supporting citations are given for key points. Contradictions and uncertainties that support the need for the proposed study are highlighted.

Tip: Approximately 25-40 pages, depending on topic area. Please note the literature review will contain several sub-headings that will be specific to your doctoral project. You want to include the most recent research in your literature review. The literature review is comprised of 80-100 different sources supporting the study. When conducting the literature review the most recent literature on the topic should be presented. Candidates should strive for 85% of sources within the past 10 years and 40% within the last 5 years with the majority of sources being scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.

Activity Outcomes
Identify a specific problem or a potential problem or an area for analysis.
Formulate research questions.
Assess the literature in addressing your research question.
Analyze current research.
Present scholarly research findings of doctoral project.
Acquire skills and motivation for lifelong higher-level learning and achievements.
Practices ethical behavior in regard to information and information technology.