American Civilization

In this fun and short assignment, you are crafting a letter from the colonies. In that regard, look at life in Colonial New England or the Chesapeake. Think about the motivations for change, the trials of life, and why we continue to seek a better life in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Most importantly, earnestly consider the value of life v the dream and reality. What does this statement mean? Even if life is hard, and someone dies shortly after finding the New World, does that mean they have created nothing from it? Has nothing (or possibly something greater) been left to his or her descendants?

Cite anything, not your own, especially paraphrased material (you should have mostly paraphrased material). Moreover, your word count is 250 to 500 words. Use description, be precise, and show a sense of creativity in this first analysis exploration.

Link/Material to help with letter: