
A description of the material including reference to specific reading(s). What was the main argument in the reading?You are just simply describing what the material claims.

An analysis of the material. Here you are looking to identify any assumptions, limits in the material OR/AND the parts of the material that are compelling and evidence based

A reflective component. This involves an explanation of its personal impact: Why did this material stand out for you? Did you agree or disagree with it? What other thoughts and connections did you make? Did it connect with your experiences outside the class? Did it connect with material you have learnt in other classes?

This first part of the assignment must be between 300-400 words. At the end of the reflection post, you must include the word count in parentheses.

Part Two: Response

Choose one of your classmates post to respond to. This must include two components:

One way in which you share a perspective or agree with their post and why.

One way in which you differ or disagree and why.

The second part of the assignment must be between 200-300 words. At the end of the response you must include the word count in parentheses.