Parenting discussion 6

Re-read chapter 12 and consider, respond in a minimum 400 words and answer all of the following:

When you were growing up did your parent(s) (or whoever raised you) work outside the home?

Discuss at least one advantage and at least one disadvantage for you while you were growing up of your parent(s) working situation. (Note: For even the seemingly ‘ideal’ situation, there are slight disadvantages and even for the ‘worst’ situations it is possible to come up with slight advantages. I want you to put some thought into this. Email me if you need help. In order to earn credit for your answer to this question, you can’t say there weren’t any disadvantages or advantages.)

Do you plan to raise your children with (both) parents working outside the home, or one staying at home? (If you do not plan to have children, state your opinion about how you think you would handle this issue if faced with it.)

Explain your decision

Give two specific things that parents (whether it is a father or a mother or both) working outside the home can do to optimize the parent-child relationship despite the hours away at work. (In other words, what can the parent do to help enhance their relationship with their child even though they are away from them for part of the day because they are working?)

Please write in complete, coherent sentences for discussion posts. Write it in a Word document first so that you reduce the chance of losing what you wrote. Your posts need to be in paragraph form and spaced appropriately so that they are easy to read (however, sometimes copying and pasting from Word to Canvas does not turn out well so just fix the spacing as best you can once it is pasted into Canvas). Make sure to give credit to information you learned from your textbook or outside sources by using APA formatted in-text citations and include references at the bottom of your post.

It is not required that you answer every question in each Discussion. You may answer some or all of the questions as long as you meet the minimum word requirement.