Study about your chosen theory.

1) find a scholarly article (review video on how to do) that is a STUDY (NOT an opinion article) about your chosen theory.

2) Read the article using the handout, “Best way to read a scholarly article”

  1. might want to FIRST read the questions you are to answer (see below) to know what to look for

3) Write a paper that answers the following questions:

QUESTIONS to answer:

  1. a) What were the authors’ primary purpose for doing this study?



  1. b) What arguments/claims do the authors’ present to support their purpose?



  1. c) Choose TWO different paragraphs in the LITERATURE REVIEW and describe the following:


  1. a) first paragraph’s contribution
  2. b) second paragraph’s contribution

2) how TOGETHER the paragraphs “lead the reader” to understanding the hypotheses


  1. d) What conclusions do the authors’ draw about the study?