Sculpture Analysis Essay

DESCRIPTION: (Identify and name)

What is its title? What, if any, significance is given to the title? Who was the artist? Does it still exist? What are its dimensions? Where is it currently located? What is its condition?
When was it composed? What does it look like? What process was used to make it? What type of sculpture is it (relief/free-standing)? What material(s) is it made of (medium/media)?
Describe the formal elements of art as they are used in this piece: line, shape, form, space, color, value, and texture.
ANALYSIS: (Address the relationships among the elements and principles used in the sculpture. How do they work together to create an affect? Instead of describing the elements – which you should have done above – here you focus on the effect the elements create.)

Dimensionality: What is the dimensionality of the work? How does it contribute to the work’s overall design and effect?
Method of execution: What method of execution has the artist employed? How does the material used by the artist in this work relate to the method of execution the artist has chosen?
Mass: In what ways does the mass of the work contribute to its overall appearance and appeal?
Line and form: How has the artist utilized line and form? How do the line and form of the work contribute to the overall composition and appeal of the work?
Texture: In what ways does the texture of the work create an intellectual or emotional appeal to the viewer?
Repetition: How do rhythm, harmony, and variety contribute to the overall composition of this work?
Articulation: How has the artist articulated the various parts of the work to create eye movement from one element to another?
Focal Area: What elements has the artist utilized to create areas of interest?

INTERPRETATION: (Meaning – Use the evidence you gathered for the categories of Description and Analysis to figure out a meaning of the sculpture to you.)

What do you think the artist wants you to think about? Why?
What is the meaning of the work? What is its content, as opposed to its subject matter?
What is the mood of the piece (calm, violent, sad, joyful, angry, hopeful, etc.)? Why?
What is the artist saying? Does the work seem to have personal meaning to the artist—that is, is it biographical? Is the work a political or social commentary?
Why do you think that / What are your reasons for that interpretation?
What was the sculpture’s purpose? Is there some larger philosophical, historical, or social context that informs the work?
To what extent does the sculpture reflect the artistic style of the period in which it was constructed? How do you know this?

JUDGMENT: (Forming an evaluation/opinion.)

Is it a quality piece of art? Why? What makes this an effective sculpture (or not)? What do you think and why?
How does it compare to similar works?
What is the best part of the work? What are its strengths? Why?
What are the weaknesses of the piece? Why?
Would different people view the work differently? How so? Why?
Is the artist successful? Why?
Is it saying what the artist intended it to say? Is the work successful? Do you like it?