
Essay Question:

As discussed in class, Le Fanu’s novella Carmilla presents the potential theme of repression. We have discussed how this theme manifests into the physical, through the horrendous attacks of the vampire, which often are described through descriptors often associated with illness, specifically symptoms of female hysteria. Furthermore, we have related the structure of Carmilla through the written retelling by our narrator Laura, as a kind of “transference” of the story, in other words, an act done in order to self-analyze. We have discussed the importance of dreams in the text and Laura’s related experiences as a child in relation to her experiences with Carmilla as an adult. Such modes and tools of storytelling were of particular interest to the study of the brain, specifically in the emerging field of psychology and psychoanalysis.

Write a short (3 pages) analysis on Carmilla and the theme of repression discussing Laura’s relationship with Carmilla both before the discovery of her vampirism, as well as after. What does Laura, the narrator, reveal about Laura the character through this act of “transference”? This is a formal thesis driven academic paper. You must use the text as a primary source for your argument and you are encouraged to research secondary resources to help support your claims. Follow MLA in text citation and a work cited sheet is required. You must follow the basic essay format as discussed in your syllabus and pasted below.

General Instructions for Essay Submission:

You will be assigned TWO formal essays, and ONE in-class/take home essay for the final exam. The length of these essays will vary throughout the semester and will correlate to the particular reading the class is focusing on during the time of assignment. If any of the requirements listed below are missing or are incorrectly followed, your grade will be penalized.

The following are essay requirements that must be executed exactly to avoid penalty:

All essays must follow the following format:

Font: Times New Roman, 12 point

1 inch margins, double spaced, and all pages must be numbered

Heading must have the following information: your name, a line reading “ENG 2000.R34 Essay # __”, my name, and the due date.

All essays must be given a title

All papers must follow MLA format and citation guidelines. For more information on MLA, please consult the Bedford Handbook Online Writing Lab, Purdue OWL MLA Guide, The Little Seagull Handbook, the Fordham Writing Center, MLA Handbook, or any of the millions of resources available to you.

All essays must be uploaded to me ½ an hour before the start of class on the day they are due.

All essays will be uploaded via Google Classroom as a Google Doc. You may upload a Word Doc if you wish, but I will need to convert it to a Google Doc in order to leave you notes, etc. I will not accept essays uploaded as a PDF.

The file of the essay must be saved as “[Last Name] Essay__”

Your essay must be uploaded to me on time. If your essay is even one minute late it will be counted as late. If you upload the file in the wrong file format, even if it is on time, it will be counted late

Late papers are penalized as follows: Late papers will be lowered one full letter grade.

Late papers handed in more than two calendar days late will receive an F.

Papers received more than four days late will be given a 0