
The purpose of this assignment is to help you make connections between the material we are covering in SOCI 1101 and your life. For this assignment, I would like you to select two concepts or issues that were covered in the first half of the course. So far, we have covered the following topics in our class:
Sociological Theories
Research Methods
Society and Social Interaction
Groups and Organizations

You may choose any topic or issue covered within these chapters from Units 1 and 2. You will then write a 24 page essay or personal letter discussing the relevance of the concepts or issues to your own life OR to the life of a family member or close friend. Choose topics from above that are personally useful and meaningful to you. For your first topic, describe how learning about this topic is useful to your (or your subjects) life right now. Then choose a topic from above that is personally useful and meaningful to you (it may NOT be the same topic as before). Now, describe how learning about this topic will be beneficial to you (or a family member or close friend) in the future (e.g., education, career, daily life). Finally, explain why someone should learn more about the topics you chose. Be sure to connect the course material covered so far in the course to your life, both now and in the future. However, Am not asking you to summarize the material, just to elaborate on its relevance to your life.

This assignment will take approximately 4 hours to complete. You will need to allocate enough time to choose your concept(s), reflect on its meaning for you, and to write up your responses. Your assignment should answer the following questions:
What concept is relevant to your (or the subjects) life right now? Provide a thorough description. (10% of assignment grade)
How is learning about this topic relevant to your life currently? Answer this in detail. (30% of assignment grade)
What concept is relevant to your (or the subject’s) life in the future? Provide a thorough description. (10% of assignment grade)
How is learning about this topic relevant to your future goals? Answer this in detail. (30% of assignment grade)
Why should someone should learn more about the topic or topics you chose? (20% of assignment grade)

Be sure to think sociologically when answering the attached questions. You should incorporate concepts and ideas we have discussed in class when analyzing your experiences. You are also encouraged to incorporate information from the text as well as outside sources (although this is not required). If you choose to use information that is not your own, you MUST fully cite these ideas both within the text and on a separate reference page (see the “citation examples” section attached to this document for more information). You should clearly define your terms and cite the readings. This means you MUST draw on concepts from the reading, explain the concepts, and use the concepts to explain your responses. If you are not citing your text, you are not doing the assignment correctly!

Your written essay must be, at minimum, 2 full pages of text (doublespaced, 12pt Times New Roman
font, 1 inch margins) and no more than 4 full pages. You should also include a title page and reference
page (these do not count toward the page limit). This assignment will be graded out of 100 points and is
worth 15% of your final grade. Your paper MUST be attached as a .doc, .docx, .rtf (NOT .rtfd!) or .pdf
file. (Note: any document on a Mac can be turned into a .pdf by using File > Print. There are many free
.pdf converters for PCs.) DO NOT paste your essay into the text box in the D2L dropbox for ANY
reason. All submissions will be automatically submitted to TurnItIn for plagiarism detection when you
upload your file to the dropbox on D2L.