Sustainable companies

Course Objective: Confront the marketing strategies from two competing companies, one of them having gone out of business and the other one being successful and sustainable in order to demonstrate that companies’ sustainability can rest on their marketing strategies.

The purpose of this project is to give you an opportunity to apply marketing knowledge you have gained in this and previous courses, as well as your field experience while developing the research skills needed to better understand the use of marketing in any industry. In teams, students will analyze an existing company while comparing it to a competitor from the same industry having gone out of business. The comparative analysis should highlight the marketing strategy and actions deployed by each company as one of the variables enabling companies to either exist for a longer time or to be beaten by their competitors.

This assignment requires a written report.

The report should feature the following sections:

Cover page
Table of contents
Presentation of both companies

Description and analysis of their respective marketing strategies by using the tools studied in class
Explanation of the reasons having led one of the companies to be sustainable whereas the other one went out of business