Discussion Forum 4

Address all parts of the question thoroughly and accurately and adhere to any instructions provided, including minimum words. Express yourself clearly using your own words, with minimal spelling or grammar mistakes. Include specific, relevant details from readings or other course material and demonstrate an understanding of course material. Show original thought by presenting facts and ideas that do not restate what others have said.

B. Answer one of the following questions from the video (remember to identify the question you are answering):

1. Where are you looking to anticipate the next change to your business model or your life? Who are you spending time with? On what topics? Where are you traveling? What are you reading? And then how are you distilling this into understanding potential discontinuities, and then making a decision to do something right now so that you’re prepared and ready?

2. What is the diversity measure of your personal and professional stakeholder network? If your network is not diverse what can you do to increase it’s diversity? You know, we hear often about good ol’ boy networks and they’re certainly alive and well in many institutions. But to some extent, we all have a network of people that we’re comfortable with. So this question is about your capacity to develop relationships with people that are very different than you. And those differences can be biological, physical, functional, political, cultural, socioeconomic. And yet, despite all these differences, they connect with you and they trust you enough to cooperate with you in achieving a shared goal. Great leaders understand that having a more diverse network is a source of pattern identification at greater levels and also of solutions, because you have people that are thinking differently than you are.