cmi 515 strategic planning module 7

Now reassemble your writing. You can paste your original writing (with highlights) into this document, if you wish, and then paste the newly revised writing to follow those sections. This exercise can serve as a starting point for revising the entire Section 1, too. Reflect upon your revision process:

1. What did you learn about your topic.Jyour text from this process?.
2. Did you pursue a tangential idea? Deepen or extend an original idea? Change your perspective on the topic? Realize that you are really interested in another topic altogether?
3. Do you plan to replace your original section with the one you developed using hoisttinj? Why or why not?

Add: details, examples, statistics, quotes, vivid language
Adapted from The Writing Teacher’s Sourcebook. UNL, 2006
Remove: tangents, words / sentences that don’t make sense Move: words / sentences that fit better in another spot Substitute: vivid words for everyday words. “showing” for “telling”‘