The methods section of a study

►The methods section of a study answers the question, How was the study conducted? The participants are the subjects of the study. The procedures describe the research protocol (e.g., how the procedures were executed). The data collection describes how the measurements were made in the study (e.g., what variables were measured and how those measurements were made). The data analysis describes which statistical tests were done to analyze the data (e.g., t-tests, ANOVA).
• RESULTS: Discuss the results of the study. Be sure to include some specific findings (e.g., statistics) but not all of the findings!
►The results of the study answers the question, What were the findings of the study?
• DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS: Explain the “discussion” and “conclusions” of the study. Based on the findings (i.e., results) of the study, what can we conclude or recommend?
►The conclusion of the study answers the questions, What was learned? What remains to be learned? Based on the results of the study, what are the conclusions?
• PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Describe in your own words, How or Why this study is important? (e.g., How can this information be used in and/or apply to physical education, athletic, sports medicine, and/or health and wellness professions?) Identify and describe at least two practical applications. (Note: This is not a section in the article. You must identify practical applications based on your knowledge and understanding of the topic.)