Contribution of Life Experience to Selfconcept

Learning objectives:
Describe the impact of personal experiences on selfconcept

Apply understanding of personal selfconcept to the patient’s selfconcept

Relate knowledge of the patient’s selfconcept to the nursepatient relationship


Our collective experiences contribute to the person we have become. Experiences are internalized from a number of sources: Birth order, how we were treated within the family, educational experiences, the friends we had, the environment in which we grew up, etc.

Think about your experiences from childhood to your current age. What kind of experiences influenced your life and the person you have become? Not all experiences are positive but they all have an impact and need to be integrated into our lives. Describe the significant influences in your life and their influences, both positive and negative. How have you integrated these experiences into your life and the person you have become?

How do you believe your experience(s) can help you in your relationship with patients?

Write a one page paper describing significant experiences in your life, how you have integrated them into the person you are now and how they contribute to your relationship with patients.