Slavery in America

The essay will total no less/more than 1,300-1,600 words in length (double-spaced, 1 inch margins Times New Roman size 12), with no less than 2 sources in addition to your textbook. Thus, you will have at least a total of 3 sources. Your sources must consist of your textbook, academic journals, and books. No internet sources (i.e. .com addresses).

Topic – You are to describe the debate over slavery in America following the Revolution and leading to the Civil War. Evaluate whether there were peaceful options to resolve the conflict between 1787 and 1861.

This paper should have a well formulated thesis, should be well organized and written, and should be well supported with logical, sound, and academically rigorous source material. (No Wikipedia or .com sources will be accepted.) In addition, you must have in-text citations and provide a bibliography of sources used and consulted (APA formatting required). Your title and bibliography page do not count towards total word count.

One source that will have to be used would be the textbook. The textbook is, Alan Brinkley, The Unfinished Nation, Eighth Edition, (McGraw Hill, 2016), ISBN 978-0-07-351333-1