Leadership scenario power point

The following is guidance on the format structure and content of the assessment. Conforming to this structure will allow your marker to assess your work more easily and will ensure consistency with feedback.
Departing from this structure may result in a reduced Grade  or even an unsuccessful submission.
Slide 1: Leadership in nursing

Include Student Identification number.
Provide a BREIF introductory commentary stating what will be covered in the Annotated PowerPoint.
Slide 2: The Scenario

The instance of leadership on which the discussion focuses,
Why this specific example has been chosen. Include only factual information
Slide 3 Leadership theory.

What is leadership?
Why is leadership in healthcare essential, and how does it contribute to enhancing patient care? This should be theoretical and it is not required to be directly related to the scenario
Slide 4 Leadership Style

What is the style of leadership that is relevant to the example that has been chosen in slide 2.
Explore the theoretical construct of this style of leadership. Once again it is not required to be directly related to the scenario, however this can be mentioned as the scenario is the trigger for this style.
Slides 5-7 Relate theory to practice in these slides

These slides are required to be directly related to the scenario. the theory must be explored in the context of the scenario.
The content of these slides will depend very much on the chosen scenario and may differ from student to student
Relate the chosen style of leadership to the example identified in slide 2.
Select specific aspects from the scenario which are consistent with the theory.
Critique the theory and consider strengths and weaknesses with examples for the scenario.
Slides 8-9 Personal Learning and Future Development

Offer summaries of key personal learning emerging from the example.
Identify how this will inform the student’s practice now, and in the future.
An action plan may be used in slide 9 however it is not essential
Slide 10 Conclusion

What has the Annotated PowerPoint covered?
An overview of the content, to demonstrate skills in structuring academic work.
Slides 11-15, the Reference List

This should consist only of the references used in the Annotated PowerPoint, formatted in accordance with the Harvard system.
These slides do not require annotation