Argumentative Essay

In an essay (500-word minimum), respond to one (1) of the following essay prompts. Make sure to make an argument (thesis statement) that you will prove throughout the essay. Use evidence from the readings and videos provided in the course content folder. Make sure to cite any direct quotations or paraphrases from these sources in a footnote or parenthetical citation. Remember that your submission will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign.

1. How revolutionary was the Age of Revolutions? Here are some questions to think about: What changed? What stayed the same? Were some regions more revolutionary than others? What made them revolutionary or why were they not? Make sure to consider the entirety of the Age of Revolution

2. How did imperialism impact global development? Consider the impact on imperialist states as well as those subject to imperial rule. Make sure to use different videos, secondary, and primary sources.

Give specific examples.