Macroeconomic Assignment 7

Economics 200 Assignment # 7 INCOME-EXPENDITURE MODEL You are given the following information about an economic system:
C $ 1160 + . 6 GDP Consumption I 800 Investment G = 1200 Government spending
X w 680 M c 840
. Fill in the following table:
Exports Imports

GDP Consumption Saving Investment Government _Net Exports C+1.+G±ITY 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 . 5000 6000 7000 3500 8000
Calculate the equilibrium level of spending
Graph the intended spending line on the attached grvph and show the equilibrium level of GDP calculated in question 2.
Calculate the multiplier.
actuate the $ impact on the equilibrium level of GDP if inTestatent were to cline by $200 billion.
3ph the newrazgregate spending line on the graph and show the new equilibrium red. of GDP.
ratify the variables
that would cause the investment function to
mlate the $ impact on the equilibrium level of GDP if exports rise to $700 Le imports rise to WO.