Monroe’s argument

Essay prompt: What is Monroe’s argument in “Can Food be Art?” Do you agree/disagree with it?

Essay #1 is due Monday, October 25. Approximately 2,000 words (6 pages’ish). Typed, double-spaced.

Take a look at the document titled “What I Expect From Your Papers” for more information about what is expect from your papers.

Choose one topic. Explain what the author says (~4 pages) then assess what the author says (~2 pages). For each topic, feel free to refer to Kaplan and/or Plakias.

This is what I expect from your papers
— The aim of the paper is to summarize what the author says and to analyze what the author says.

Both explain the main points of the reading in plain and simple language and give your reasoned opinion on the author or topic. Your explanation and analysis are two parts of one, complete paper. (Don’t break it up into two sections.)