Humane or inhumane about America past and present.

The final version of your research paper should be approximately six-seven pages and include six -seven sources that are completely referenced in MLA style. These sources should contain full bibliographic information. The draft source requirement is three but it is okay to include more. For all of the sources you will need to search the library and/or other search engines for research. Use the author’s name and title of the literary work(s) to obtain complete bibliographic information in your searches.

The research paper thesis is the last sentence of the first paragraph. It should be an original objective argument about what the literature shows regarding the humanity or inhumanity of America past and present. Be sure to cite your sources for every idea that is not your own, both when you quote an author’s words and when you borrow his or her insights. In order to construct a thesis statement, or the paper’s main argument, ascertain the main argument of each course readings. For example, compare what the essay by Oliver Sacks says to the fictional work of E.M. Forster. Discuss how they both warn against humanity becoming less “human” and more like machines but as reflective of different technological challenges and historic time periods. Be sure to include information about the time period and context of the literature and course texts. The paper should provide specific time periods and dates when comparing inhumane experiences like a pandemic today to past inhumane events in literature.