White Horse King – Benjerman Merkle


Your paper is to be based on Benjamin Merkle’s book, The White Horse King.Submit your work by clicking into the (pink) title of this box and then uploading your paper.

Your paper must be double-spaced, and four to five pages in length. Margins should not exceed 1 1/2” on all sides; font size should not exceed 12 points. Your essay should be largely in your words. If you use a quotation be sure that it is short and relevant. If you are quoting or paraphrasing from Merkle’s book, you do not need to include a formal footnote. Instead, put the relevant page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence or paragraph. Your work will be assessed based on the following considerations: content, accuracy of content, grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity and organization, specific evidence provided to support your interpretation/assessment of your source, and ability to focus on and answer the questions under consideration. Please read over “Tips for Writing an ‘A’ Paper” and “Paper Grading Rubric” for further details; these documents may be found on our class website under the “Assignments” tab.

Questions: What factors led to the Vikings’ initial success in bringing most of Britain under their control in the ninth century? What military innovations did King Alfred bring about that enabled the people of Wessex to effectively expel the intruders? How did his Christian faith influence his actions both during his military campaigns and in times of peace? Also, what great changes did he initiate that led to a revival of learning? Finally, do you think Alfred was a great ruler; why or why not?