You are required to write a Reflective REPORT that addresses the following:

What are the most significant reasons for Mega-Project failure and might such failures be avoided? The failure and success of “The National Programme for IT in the National Health System (NHS) (NPfIT) in the UK”

Notes and guidance:

In the United Kingdom (UK), the National Programme for IT in the National Health System (NHS) (NPfIT) was the largest public sector IT programme ever attempted in the UK, originally budgeted to cost approximately £6 billion over the lifetime of the major contracts. After a history marked by delays, stakeholder opposition and implementation issues, the programme was dismantled by the Conservative Liberal Democrat Government in 2011, almost ten years after Prime Minister Tony Blair initiated it at a seminar in Downing Street in 2002.

Study and use as reference the The National Programme for IT in the NHS Case Study document which has been provided to you.