Non-Western and Western Art

The following discussion is worth 80 points. Using the Heilbrunn Timeline, identify one non-Western work of art and one Western work of art that is similar. For example, if you find one non-Western bowl for your non-Western piece, chose something similar, like a bowl or dish for your Western choice. For each piece of art, write at least 1 paragraph that fully explains all of the items on the critical thinking checklist. Be sure to provide the link to the piece in your explanation and use complete sentences.

Note: You will not be able to view or respond to any of your classmates’ posts until AFTER you have posted your initial response. Post your own response earlier in the week, so that other students can have the benefit of viewing your thoughts and providing a reply to you before the deadline.

In addition to posting your own thread, read and comment on at least TWO of your fellow classmates’ posts. These peer responses are worth 10 points of your total score.

Based on the answers they have provided, your reply should discuss whether you agree or disagree with their choices. Support your responses.

This discussion is worth 80 points and will be evaluated using the HUM 106 Discussion Rubric. This rubric is available under the Grading Information tab of the Discussion area, as well as in the course Grade Center.

Review this video How to Use Blackboard Discussions if you need assistance with this feature. All contributions should be consistent with good netiquette.