Population health

This is for a course in Paramedic Science.

This is a rewrite of an essay that was submitted. The examiners feedback can be found in the File ‘Population Health Essay Turnitin Report Feedback. This essay achieved 42% but the reference list was left off accidentally. It has now been added back. References need to be in The Havard ‘Cite Them Right’ Format.

Essay – Scoping the Health Needs of a Local Authority in London ( Havering)

This summative assessment addresses the following learning outcome:

1. Analyse models of health and illness and critically discuss the impact of social, cultural, psychological, economic and lifestyle factors on the mental and physical health of populations and individuals.

2. Examine the complex role that paramedics play in a multi-agency approach to safeguarding, the prevention of ill health and the promotion of physical and mental wellbeing.

3. Evaluate the opportunities to provide health advice to service users and their families and integrate these in to care and treatment selecting appropriate approaches to modifying health behaviour and providing signposting to other agencies where appropriate.

4. Evaluate population behaviour as it impacts on the prioritisation of ambulance deployment