1. Identify the clinical issue/problem:Discuss the background and significance of the clinical issue. Present a compelling overview of the relevance of the clinical issue; the PICOT question; the significance of the issue e.g. why is this question important?
  2. Significance of the clinical issue/problem:Discuss why the clinical issue is significant to nursing, patient outcomes, and quality healthcare.
  3. Search process:Describe the search strategies used to uncover the evidence. Include the keyword and databases used and number of articles used to answer your PICOT question. (May use screen shots of search history form databases).

Critical Appraisal of the Evidence:

This section is not about discussing each study individually. It is about comparing and contrasting the research studies. Evaluate the foundation of evidence (research) that influences the clinical issue. Discuss the overall strength of the evidence in terms of level of evidence, the validity, reliably and applicably of the evidence and the confidence to act on the evidence found. Use tables to enhance the differences and similarities of the evidence.

  1. Statement of the research problem(s) or purpose, research question(s) or hypotheses, study variable, study goals, objectives or aims. Where they related to the problem?
  2. Literature reviews – did they provide a rationale and direction for the studies?
  3. Statement of the research design(s). Were they appropriate to the study? Why or why not?
  4. Description of the sample(s), populations and setting.
  5. Brief description of the measurement methods used in each study.
  6. Brief description of procedure(s) (data collection and analysis).
  7. Discuss the results of the studies, accuracy, and interpretations of results.
  8. Discuss the strengths and limitations of the research presented.