Creative technologies

This assessment provides the opportunity to develop evidence that demonstrates these Standards:

1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet with the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities

2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice

Your Task

Word count: No more than 2500 words. This includes all text (headings, in-text citations, captions, and direct quotes). It excludes the reference list. Note for this assessment your marker will stop reading when 2500 words is reached and only award marks on the material read.

Create a strategic plan for using creative technologies in your teaching. You should use the following format for your strategic plan:


Introduce the strategic plan (i.e. the whole assessment task not just the lesson overviews).

Educational context

Describe the school, the physical space where teaching occurs, the year level, and the students in the class explaining any factors that may affect their learning.


Use research to justify your intended teaching strategies as well as to justify the use of ICT in order to address the curriculum. Explain any strategies to support the safe, responsible, and ethical use of ICT.

Lesson Overviews

Design sequenced lesson content for 5 lessons including curriculum links, lesson objectives, preparation & resources, learning activities, and assessment.

Professional learning

Prepare and justify your own personal plan for professional learning around the use of ICT. Include any implications for improved student learning