Phase 2 project on stc (Saudi telecom company)

2) This is a team of 3 students /project. You may discuss the work with other students. You may “Work in parallel”, but all submitted work have to be under the Team Name. No copied diagrams! No copied Sentences. Use your own words. Violations will be severe.

In this report you will design and implement an enterprise architecture solution. From your reading in the annotated bibliography or other EA related readings in the literature (e.g. Resources in implement a solution.

A local real case needs to be selected, analyzed for its issues and problems and a suitable EA solution should be selected from the literature. In this business case you need to show your mastery of the selected EA solution by reading about the framework from the literature and having deeper understanding of the material.
E.g. let us assume, you decided based on your analysis of the case that TOGAF was suitable solution for the problem. You must read about TOGAF and implement it as the best a solution to your case. So you will do many changes of the organization you are analyzing based on TOGAF framework with a link to the literature.

Analysis of the organization: How logical and deep is the analysis. Was the real problems found or not? Business analysis tools could be used such as SWOT, PERT, PESTLE, use cases and core competencies analysis. Also I would consider technical understanding as an important tool in this analysis. Any other tools would be important ( /3 )
Linking with the material and literature: Show a high level of understanding of the material and literature. Also, how well were you able to link your case with it? ( /3 ) Organization: Appropriate use of referencing especially in text citations and bibliography. The overall look, organizations and easiness of reading of your report. For example suitable usage of vocabulary, grammar and structure. ( /2 ) Suitability of the EA practices: Is the chosen practices realistic and suitable? ( /2 )
Implementation of the EA solution: To what level were you able to understand the EA framework? How deeply is the solution described within the context of the organization? Are
you going to modify the framework to be more applicable (why) or will you adopt the model exactly as it is? EA is about comprehensiveness, was the solution applied and described holistically? Remember that in your solution in text citations is very important ( /10) Remember your business case should be well argued and logical. You need to provide a description of the case, its problems, and your solution with related in text citation and why did you select this solution and finally and most importantly a description on how the organization will become after you implement the EA framework.