Multiple Choice Questions

In Tab 1 in Excel:
1. Create a graph using Celeste’s data
2. Use benchmarks found below to create a long-term goal
3. You should have a goal line starting at her baseline
4. You should have a vertical line indicating Intervention 1 with a description of the intervention
5. You should have her 8 weeks of WCPM and %WCPM data graphed with a trend line for WCPM only
Write down the answers to the following questions:

What was Celeste’s baseline?


Is Celeste at-risk in reading?


Write your goal for Celeste. It should match your goal line in the graph and be written exactly as “By (date), Celeste will read at least (a number) of words correctly per minute on 3 consecutive trials as measured by 4th grade DORF.


According to the NCII tools for elementary reading Academic Intervention, is  Enhanced Core Reading Instruction (Fien et al., 2015; Smith et al., 2016)  a good intervention to start with? Why or why not?

Look at Celeste’s weekly data in response to your intervention, should you keep or change the intervention? Why or why not?