Case Study Analysis Paper

 Total points: 40 points

 Length of the paper: minimum 4 pages in length (excluding cover page)

 Format: Only word format is acceptable. Other format will NOT be accepted

and will be returned to students.

 Headings/subheadings: The paper should have separate main/subsection

headings. The paper that did not meet this requirement will NOT be accepted and returned.

1. Overview

 You will read a case study (“Adjusting Leadership Style to Situation”) which is located under the module, EXTRA POINT PAPER.

 Then write an analysis paper.

2. The paper should contain the following:

1) Cover page (including title of the paper, course title & no., and your name). Cover page information should NOT appear in the body of your paper. Or this will result in serious penalty.

2) Introduction (1 page):

– Briefly discuss concepts of leadership and why these concepts are important

to understand the small group members and the group goal. Cite textbook according to correct APA style.

– Have a clear thesis statement and a preview statement.

3) Analysis: provide your analysis and answers based on following questions (at least 2 pages)

-How would you define Marilyn’s leadership style? What are the important elements/factors to consider when defining her leadership style?

-How situations have changed from the first to the second year of Marilyn’s leadership? Specifically discuss how did team goals change from the first to the second year? How about stress levels? Were they the same, or did they change?

-Why was Marilyn’s leadership successful in the first year but not in the second? How would you diagnose her leadership problem?

4) Conclusion (at least 1 page)

-Briefly summarize what you have discussed

-Using Hersey and Blanchard, make recommendations to help Marilyn to be

more successful.

-What did you learn from this case study?