Humana Medicare Insurance

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Community Health Service Project Paper Community Health Service Project Paper
INSTRUCTIONS: For this project, you will select a local community health organization that you would like to volunteer for at least 12 hours. You will be responsible for making contact with this community health organization and setting up a volunteer opportunity. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!!! A Community Health Service Project Student/Agency Agreement will need to be filled out as well and submitted along with the paper.
Google/research your agency beforehand so you can actually immerse yourself in the volunteer experience and not look uninformed about the agency you selected to volunteer with. During your volunteer opportunity, you should observe and address the following:

(1) WHAT — What is the name of the agency? What is the history of the agency? Are there different aspects/programs of the agency? If so, what are these (please describe)? What are the different roles of the employees (i.e., Activity Director, direct care staff, etc)?

(2) WHERE — Where is this agency (street address)? Are there sister (related) agencies? If so, where are these agencies located (city/cities)?

(3) WHY — What is the purpose of the agency? What are the goals?

(4) WHO — What is the population the agency serves? Age range? Gender? Etc? Are there client’s rights? If so, are these posted and followed?

(5) HOW — How is the agency funded? Fundraising events? If so, describe one of the events.
Written Report: After volunteering, you will need to write a report that summarizes the what, where, why, who, and how as described above along with describing your volunteer time. In your description of your volunteer time, please use the following questions as a starting point for your paper: • Describe your volunteer experience (i.e., what was your role, what did you do, etc.) • Did you enjoy it? Were there things you would improve about the organization? If so, what/how? • How will this experience help you in the future? Would you work at this agency in the future? Why or why not? • Any other comments, questions, and reflection of the experience
Guidelines: • A minimum of 2-pages in length • 1-inch margins • 12-point, Times New Roman font • Double-spaced • Submit your paper as an electronic file, either .doc or .pdf, submitted as an attachment under title “Service Project Paper” in Assignments on eLeam • Points will be deducted if you do not: o Follow the directions as laid out under the Guidelines